
My name is Dacian Busecan Welcome to my site. Here you can find my collection of pure Stichelbaut pigeons

First time i have visited Mr. Frans Labeeuw, was back in 2014. What an honour for me to finally meet the man responsible for keeping the worldwide known Stichelbaut pigeons strain 100% pure.

Since 2014 i have visited Frans almost every year and acquired from him the pigeons i love the most - the Stichelbauts . Soft feathers will be your fist impression when you hold a Stichelbaut pigeon in your hand . It is the kind of pigeon that once you hold it in your hands you will always remember it and want to acquire it. Stichelbaut pigeons represent the base of numerous lofts around the world . When crossed with other strains these birds have always improved the health and performances of any loft that owned them . To mention only two of them are :

Dolle Barcelona 3011492 - 09 Original Ferdy de Scheemaeker

1st National Barcelona 2012

2nd International Barcelona 2012 . Where the mother of this bird is 100 % Stichelbaut pigeon from Mr. Frans Labeeuw .

De St. Vincent 11 - 3047804 Original Roger Mylle

1 st Best International St. Vincent Bird 2015 - 2016 . Where the father of this bird is 100 % Stichelbaut pigeon from Mr. Frans Labeeuw .

Hibou FR - 2011 - 098128 - Original Serge Wybaillie

1st European Ace Pigeon Marathon 2017

1st Ace Pigeon France 2017 Where the mother of this pigeon is a 100 % Stichelbaut from Mr. Frans Labeeuw

Here are the recorded results provided to me by Mr. Frans Labeeuw obtained with the Stichelbaut pigeons worldwide :

  • 1 st National Chateauroux 4664 p. - Daniel Labeeuw Bissegem

  • 1st Champion of Belgium - Daniel Labeeuw Bissegem

  • 4 th International Libourne - Daniel Labeeuw Bissegem

  • 5 th International Libourne - Daniel Labeeuw Bissegem

  • 1st National Felixtown (England ) - Verhaege Goes NL

  • 2nd National Felixtown ( England ) - Verhaege Goes NL

  • 1st National Brive - Buyse Remi Hooglede

  • 2nd National Brive - Buyse Remi Hooglede

  • 1st National Montauban - Nolf Omer Bissegem

  • 2nd National Montauban - Daniel Labeeuw Bissegem

  • 1st National Libourne - Vanbruane Andre Lauwe

  • 1st International Barcelona - Vanbruane Andre Lauwe - where the father of Electriek was 100 % Stichelbaut pigeon from Daniel Labeeuw

  • 1st International Pau - Bostijn Leopold Moorslede - with the bird called Benoni

  • 1st International Biaritz - Bostijn Leopold Moorslede

  • 1st National - Bostijn Leopold Moorslede - with the bird called Chico

  • 1st National - Bostijn Leopold Moorslede - with the bird called Chico

  • 1st National Nantes Youngsters - Woodfield Jef England

  • 1st National La Souterraine Youngsters - Denteneer Daniel Peronnes

  • 1st National La Souterraine - Descheemaecker Brothers Anwerpen

  • 1st National Limoges - Descheemaecker Brothers Anwerpen

  • 1st National Limoges - Descheemaecker Brothers Anwerpen

The Barcelona Vervisch Kortrijk 7 Times Barcelona with 4 top prices

  • 1st National Barcelona 11607 p. 2012 - Descheemaecker Ferdi Ooigem

  • 2nd International Barcelona 25348 p. 2012 - Descheemaecker Ferdi Ooigem - with the bird called Dolle Barcelona - only minutes away from the first prize winner

  • 1st National Ace pigeon Long Distance Italy - Barbulescu Nicu - Where the father of the winner was 100 % Stichelbaut and Brother Montauban

  • 1st Best St Vincent Bird Belgium 2014 - 2016 - Mille Roger - Where the father of the winner was 100% Stichelbaut pigeon called (The Labeeuw)

  • 1st Best St Vincent Bird Belgium 2015 - 2016 - Mille Roger - Where the father of the winner was 100% Stichelbaut pigeon called (The Labeeuw)

  • 1st International Best Bird St Vincent 2015 - 2016 - Mille Roger - Where the father of the winner was 100% Stichelbaut pigeon called (The Labeeuw)

  • 1st European Ace Pigeon Marathon 2017

  • 1st Ace Pigeon France 2017 - Where the mother of this pigeon is a 100 % Stichelbaut from Mr. Frans Labeeuw

  • 1st Champion 1st Ace pigeon Hungary - Szebeny Layos

  • 1st Prizes Germany - Hans Hovelberend

Mr Frans Labeeuw is the only Fancier to have been awarded

1st Prize Barcelona Masters Tandem - 3 Times

  • 1st Barcelona Masters Tandem 2006 - Labeeuw Frans & Devos Etienne

  • 1st Barcelona Masters Tandem 2008 - Labeeuw Frans & Chris Hebberecht

  • 1st Barcelona Masters Tandem 2014 - Labeeuw Frans & Henry Vanneste

If i can well recall, once in an interview Piet de Weerd said :

" The main pillars upon which fanciers built their present lofts are Stichelbaut , Delbar, Catrisse, Janssens and Jan Aardens . Out of all, the Stichelbauts are the best to build upon because they are the healthiest ones. "

How true ! My experience with the Stichelbaut pigeons confirm this statement made by the great pigeon man ,indeed these birds have an fenomenal immune system and they seem like they never get sick no matter what .

In every visit i have made to Frans Labeeuw he always spoke about one pigeon in particular and that is : Zwarte Fijnen 87 - 3347300 who was an exceptional breeder .

Zwarte Fijnen appear in almost every pedigree of his very best racers or breeders , he was a one of kind pigeon and Frans loved him very much. Below are some of the Stichelbaut pigeons that Frans Labeeuw breed and raced while competing in long and extreme long distance races .

Favorie 99 - 3283078

The first cock i have acquired from Frans Labeeuw was Tom , and he was a direct son of Favorie and Full brother Montauban . You can see Tom below .

Another aquisision from Frans Labeeuw was Byter , a direct son of Montauban .

You can see video with Byter below .

The First hen i have acquired from Frans Labeeuw was Zita and she was a daughter of Donkeren . You can see Zita below :